Experienced Adelaide water sensitive urban design practitioner Mellissa Bradley has joined Water Sensitive SA as the Program Manager. Mellissa is a strong advocate for the creation of more liveable cities and towns through the delivery of urban growth and infill development that delivers best practice water sensitive urban design.
Mellissa brings to the role a unique combination of experience in engineering and planning, together with a history of developing and implementing capacity building programs for local government in catchment and urban water management. With more than 20 years experience working in the fields of engineering design, development assessment, policy development, environmental management and construction management, Mellissa understands the support that industry needs to ensure water sensitive urban design is commonplace within our urban landscape.
With a commitment to creating a capacity building program that responds directly to the needs of all disciplines with a role in land development, Mellissa welcomes your input and can be contacted on 0431 828 980 or via the Contact us form.