Planning reform
- Community guide to design in our new planning system, May 2019 , SA Planning Commission
- Overview of neighbourhood growth & change, May 2019, SA Planning Commission
- Water sensitive urban design: Creating more liveable and water sensitive cities in South Australia
- EPA water quality policy
- The 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide
- Adelaide & Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management (AMLR NRM) plan
- Adelaide coastal water quality improvement plan (ACWQIP): A plan that covers the issues, challenges ad a way forward for water quality improvement for Adelaide’s coastal waters
- Water for Good: A plan to ensure our water future to 2050
- Water for Good: Stormwater strategy – The future of stormwater management
- Institutionalising water sensitive urban design framework – Greater Adelaide Region – 2008
Discussion papers
- Transitioning Adelaide to a water sensitive city: Towards an Urban Water Plan for Greater Adelaide – 2014
- Strategy for a water sensitive community | Marrickville Council (NSW), 2012-2021
- Regenerating Unley’s Urban Forest: Tree Strategy | City of Unley 2016-2019, August 2016
- Green Infrastructure Strategic Directions | City of Unley, November 2015