The Goyder Institute for Water Research is a collaborative research initiative between the State Government, CSIRO, Adelaide University, Flinders University and University of SA that includes a research program to more clearly define impediments to WSUD in South Australia and to propose possible solutions.
- New modelling capability to target stormwater interventions that support seagrass health along Adelaide’s coast 2016
- Implementing water sensitive urban design in stormwater management plans 2016
- Pathways for implementation of water sensitive urban design policy in South Australia 2015
- Water sensitive urban design impediments and potential: Contributions to the SA Urban Water Blueprint: Post-implementation assessment and impediments to WSUD 2014
- Water sensitive urban design impediments and potential: Contributions to the urban water blueprint (Phase 1) Task 3: The potential role of WSUD in urban service provision 2014
- Community acceptance of water sensitive urban design: Six case studies 2014
- The status of water sensitive urban design schemes in South Australia 2013
- Interim water sensitive urban design targets for Greater Adelaide 2011
- Managed aquifer recharge and stormwater use options: Summary of research findings 2014