Benefit cost analysis tool | CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
Industry/policy notes
Journal papers
- Impact of water allocation strategies to manage groundwater resources in Western Australia: Equity and efficiency considerations
- The most cost-effective ways to maintain public open space with less water: Perth case study
- Equitable and efficient systems of water utility charges in the face of a changing water supply mix
- Understanding social preferences for land use in wastewater treatment plant buffer zones | Sayed Iftekhar
- State of knowledge of non-market values of water sensitive systems and practices: Potential of benefit transfer | Sayed Iftekhar
- Economic analysis of water-sensitive projects: Concepts and tools | David Pannell
To obtain copies of the tools, contact Mellissa Bradley.
Alternative water schemes – managing whole of life cycles costs – March 2017
- Integrated optimisation of pump operations in systems with a variety of alternative water sources | Dr Angela Marchi, University of Adelaide
The new economy, rainwater harvesting, stormwater management and, multi-scale benefits across the city – December 2016
- Water resources, stormwater and waterways benefits of water conservation measures for capital cities | Peter Coombes, Urban Water Cycle Solutions
- Rainwater harvesting, issues and design | Michael Smit, Rainwater Harvesting Association of Australia
- SA’s online stormwater assessment tool for small-scale development | Mellissa Bradley, Water Sensitive SA
An integrated urban water future – the key to success for “Living Adelaide” (National Water Forum, University of SA) – November 2016
- An integrated urban water future – the key to success for “Living Adelaide” | Mellissa Bradley, Water Sensitive SA
How to use the BeST tool from CIRIA – a cost benefit analysis for WSUD – September 2016
- Introduction of CRCWSC program/project B4.2 Socio Technical Flood Resilience | Berry Gersonius, UNESCO-IHE & CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
- The case for benefit estimation of WSUD | Assela Pathirana, UNESCO-IHE & CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
- Oaklands Wetland stormwater reuse scheme | Glynn Rickets, City of Marion
- Benefits of Oaklands Wetland & stormwater reuse scheme | Glynn Rickets, City of Marion
- Introduction to BeST tool from CIRIA | Berry Gersonius, UNESCO-IHE & CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
- CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Tranche 1 studies on economics | David Pannell, University of WA & CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
WSUD Policy & cost benefit analysis frameworks for WSUD (Environmental Engineering Society) – October 2015
- WSUD Policy & monetising the benefits | Mellissa Bradley, Water Sensitive SA