Water Sensitive SA has launched the InSite Water Tool (the Tool) to provide an efficient and technically robust method to demonstrate whether the design features of small-scale developments have met performance criteria for:
- water conservation and efficiency
- stormwater runoff quality discharged to waterways and marine environments via Councils drainage system
- stormwater runoff volume
- stormwater runoff flow rates.
The Tool assists development applicants to optimise solutions to meet the four design objectives for stormwater management.
This tool makes it easier to design a stormwater management strategy to meet development plan policy, and Building Code of Australia (SA) and Council engineering requirements in an integrated manner, including the South Australia Water Sensitive Urban Design Policy (PDF) (Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, 2013) for small-scale residential and commercial developments
To ensure that small-scale developments meet WSUD performance benchmarks, several best practice and management guidelines have been released in conjunction with the Insite Water Tool.