Goyder Institute – Release of Task 3 Report – The Potential Role of WSUD in Urban Service Provision
The Goyder Institute has released its report on Water sensitive urban design impediments and potential: Contributions to the urban water blueprint (Phase 1), The potential role of WSUD in urban service provision.
This report represents the findings of Task 3 of this project, which examined the potential contribution of WSUD to flow management in urban South Australia with a particular focus on the minor drainage system. The findings of this report were based on six studies including:
- The development of a matrix of WSUD solutions suitable for different development scales.
- Development of a methodology to examine the impact of WSUD approaches on runoff characteristics in urban catchments.
- The application of this methodology to examine the impact of existing WSUD at case study sites in Burnside, SA (B-Pods) and Mile End, SA (Rain gardens)
- The application of this methodology to examine the impact of generic retention and detention based WSUD approaches on flow characteristics of larger infill and greenfield catchments.
- The application of the SUSTAIN optimisation tool for the selection of appropriate WSUD strategies for infill catchments and to develop an understanding of SUSTAIN’s benefits and limitations for broader use by the profession.
Preliminary assessment of the MUSIC model for estimating flows when examining WSUD strategies for stormwater management plans from developed urban catchments in South Australia.