The Unity Park Biofiltation Project features 6 x 200 m2 biofiltration cells and two conventional wetlands to treat stormwater runoff prior to injection into a series of nine aquifers storage and recovery wells along Montague Road, Mawson Lakes. The scheme will treat and store approximately 1.3 GL per annum, which represents 10% of the mean annual runoff from the Dry Creek catchment. Groundwater reserves in the area have historically undergone stress due to industrial extractions. To offset the impacts of groundwater extractions, 20% of all injected water (0.26 GL) will be maintained in the aquifer to replenish groundwater levels.
The Unity Park site tour (YouTube – 8:31) explores the biofilter, constructed wetlands and managed aquifer recharge system that is managing stormwater and providing an alternative water source. The wetlands and biofilter capture and treat stormwater before it is stored in underground aquifers. Over 150 km of ‘purple pipe’ then distributes the water, which is used to irrigate parks, reserves, and schools. It is also used in industry and for toilet/garden use in some new residential developments. Produced by CRC for Water Sensitive Cities