The Model for urban stormwater improvement conceptualisation (MUSIC) Auditor assesses a MUSIC model against relevant criteria as specified in the South Australian MUSIC Guidelines. MUSIC Auditor identifies any MUSIC model input parameters that do not comply with the guidelines or parameters that are outside common or expected ranges. The Auditor provides a summary report identifying any areas of non-compliance and further commentary to assist both consultants in revising their model or assessing authorities to make a decision whether or not to accept any non-compliance.
Join Dr Dale Browne, Senior Environmental Engineer, E2Designlab for this online training.
In this short video (less than 3 minutes), Dale provides a quick overview of:
- what is MUSIC Auditor?
- who has it been developed for?
- the benefits of using MUSIC Auditor.
Who should attend
- Regulators in local and state government responsible for assessing the adequacy of WSUD elements within stormwater management plans to meet the relevant stormwater quality pollution reduction targets
- Engineering consultants seeking to understand MUSIC compliance requirements
MUSIC as a compliance tool
- Stormwater runoff quality objectives
Assessing a MUSIC Model
- What the assessor needs to do
- How the MUSIC Auditor can help
- How the MUSIC Auditor works
- What the MUSIC Auditor does not do
- Parameter range checks
- Upper and lower limits
Reviewing climate data
Reviewing catchment data
- Area and impervious fraction
- Soil parameters
- Pollutant concentrations
Reviewing treatment data
- Wetland case study
- Bioretention case study
- Guideline and recommended ranges Interpreting results
- Warnings vs hard limits
- Justification of variations
- $80 (incl. GST) partners, Stormwater SA members
- $120 (incl. GST) non partners
Your trainer

Senior Environmental Engineer, E2Designlab
Dale is an expert in the modelling and design of water sensitive urban design systems. His experience is extensive across both the development and application of practical applied models for stormwater and waterway management.
Dale is an experienced communicator and has been training the Victorian stormwater industry in the use of MUSIC for many years, combining his enthusiasm for the principles of WSUD with a pragmatic user perspective.
Dale applies his expertise in water sensitive urban design (WSUD) and integrated water management to deliver innovative solutions for managing urban water. These range from stormwater reuse for households to integrated designs for simultaneous mitigation of flooding, management of hydrology for environmental protection, stormwater treatment and stormwater reuse to improve landscape and recreational amenity.