Water Sensitive SA committee announced

Water Sensitive SA committee announced

26 July 2021

WSSA Steering Committee, appointed May 2021

We are pleased to announce the members of the Water Sensitive SA steering committee for the next three years. Dr Sheryn Pitman, takes on the role of Chair of the Water Sensitive SA steering committee, ably supported by Greg Ingleton as Deputy Chair. Both Sheryn and Greg have been with Water Sensitive SA since the program’s inception and have recently embarked on new roles in their professional careers that will enrich the value they bring to, and the reach of, the Water Sensitive SA program. Sheryn leads the National Park City project for Green Adelaide, part of a global initiative designed to inspire action at all levels to improve the nature and wellbeing of cities, their people and their places. Greg recently started his own business, which supports governments and industry to improve liveability through smart, innovative and holistic use of water for greening and cooling.

We are grateful for the return of Andrew King, Joe La Spina, Robin Allison and Dr Harsha Saphare, who continue their commitment to the mainstreaming of water sensitive urban design policy and practice. All are leaders in their respective fields within the urban water industry in local government, design consultancy, product development and applied research.

New members to the committee are Elsinore Mann, a civil engineer with more than 15 years’ experience in the water industry, focused on development and expansion of water utility operational analytics and decision-making tools involving design, implementation and testing to find innovative and effective solutions to water management challenges; and Allison Collins, who has 20 years experience and skills in strategic planning, policy development, project management, placemaking, development assessment and community engagement.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to outgoing chair Keith Downard and active member Dr Peter Dillon for their contributions over the past six years. Both Keith and Peter were part of the inaugural Water Sensitive SA steering committee and helped to establish the strategic direction of the program and have been fundamental to the success of the program to date.

We would also like to congratulate Sheryn on her new role as Project Lead, National Park City. We look forward to working with Sheryn to build cooler, greener, wilder and more resilient communities.

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Acknowledgement of Country

Water Sensitive SA acknowledges Aboriginal people as the First Peoples and Nations of the lands and waters we live and work upon, and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge and respect the deep spiritual connection and the relationship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have to Country.