In 2021, the Planning and Design Code introduced a suite of policies that seek to enhance urban greening, including integration between stormwater management solutions and landscape areas. The success of the Code to make measurable changes to the urban landscape and contribute to the canopy cover targets, will be highly dependent on the ability of industry to interpret and apply these policies in new developments.
The Adelaide Garden Guide for New Homes targets infill development and describes how to implement the Planning and Design Code policies to maximise the benefits of trees and soft landscaping.
Decisions at all stages of the design process can influence the long-term tree canopy potential within the site, including:
- guidance on the retention of mature trees (protect what we already have first!)
- the dwelling footprint – area and layout
- setbacks from boundaries to enable canopy establishment with the right tree for the right place
- landscaping options for driveways
- landscaping options for courtyards
- landscaping options for a range of infill housing typologies – detached dwellings (including “battle-axe”), semi-detached dwellings, residential flat buildings, and terrace or row housing.
The Adelaide Garden Guide for New Homes is a must-read for anyone about to embark on a new infill development. The companion water sensitive urban design guide will be released in the coming months.