Lightsview is arguably Adelaide’s greenest infill suburb, with its own affordable, climate-independent water resource sustaining its leafy streets and expansive park network. The major infill development, a joint venture between Renewal SA and PEET, applied an innovative approach to multi-faceted public open spaces, with people and place making as its primary design criteria. Lightsview’s sustainable water supply has supported the establishment of a vast network of healthy street trees and grassy verges enabling urban heat mitigation, as well as creating noteworthy streetscapes which set Lightsview apart from other Adelaide developments.
WSUD features include:
Treated stormwater is transferred from the Salisbury Water Managed Aquifer Scheme to a 1 ML storage tank at the Lightsview site, ensuring peak period supply demands are met. Each household is required to connect to the reWater scheme, enabling household access to treated stormwater for toilet use, as well as for outdoor use such as irrigation and car washing. In addition, potable water is supplied by SA Water. As at March 2018, the site used a total of 84 ML of stormwater per annum, of which 54 ML was for household use and 32 ML for open space irrigation (9 hectares).
The development features significant open space and quality streetscapes, including 14.9ha of active and passive, irrigated recreational spaces (comprising 16% of the total site area when complete). All verges within the development are wider than industry standard requirements and provide deep soil zones with large water holding capacity, enabling street trees to flourish and reach their maximum height at maturity.
The East Parkway provides a linear park through the centre of the development, connecting to other significant green corridors. All Lightsview streetscapes feature healthy, semi-mature trees and year-round vibrant green lawn areas, sustained by the reWater scheme.
The combined wetlands and ornamental lakes located along Waterford Circuit and East Parkway, are an integral component of the site’s flood management for a 1-in-100 year annual recurrence or 1% annual exceedance probability storm event. The landscape design includes a second tier retaining wall, nature strips and adaptable public space, providing flood protection without compromising quality amenity values.
Case study – Lightsview – downloadable pdf
Image source: Water Sensitive South Australia