Vision202020 Green Light Tour – how do we achieve green infrastructure outcomes at the lot scale?

Vision202020 Green Light Tour – how do we achieve green infrastructure outcomes at the lot scale?

23 April 2018

On 27 March 2018, Vision202020 held their Green Light Tour at 28 Leigh Street. 60 practitioners gathered to consider ways to support the 30 Year Plan for Greater Adelaide targets:

  • increased urban green cover is by 20% in metropolitan Adelaide by 2045
  • tree canopy cover is increased by 20% by 2045 (for council areas with less than 30% tree canopy cover currently).

Mellissa Bradley, Program Manager, Water Sensitive SA discussed possible ways to meet these targets being considered as part of the green infrastructure and water sensitive urban design performance based policy project (the project).

With project objectives to:

  • enhance urban greening on private land, streetscapes and the public realm
  • reintegrate of water into the urban landscape to facilitate a range of benefits including:
    • microclimate cooling
    • improved human thermal comfort
    • local habitat
    • provision of attractive spaces for community use and wellbeing
  • increased resilience to extreme weather events including floods and heatwaves
  • reduced flooding and associated impacts on people, property and the environment
  • improved water quality in freshwater and marine environments
  • enhanced commercial and tourism opportunities

identified opportunities for improved policy include:

Maintain suitable canopy and green cover
Source: Levesque and Derrick Architects,

Site coverage ratios
Source: Grieve Gillett Andersen

Permeable surfaces
Source: Knutsford infill development (WA)

Structural soils

Source: City of West Torrens

For more details of key takeaway messages from the event and potential next steps for Adelaide visit Vision202020 website.

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Water Sensitive SA acknowledges Aboriginal people as the First Peoples and Nations of the lands and waters we live and work upon, and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge and respect the deep spiritual connection and the relationship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have to Country.