Several Councils in Greater Melbourne have established innovative stormwater offset schemes over the last three years to provide flexibility for applicants of small-scale developments as to how they meet the stormwater runoff performance-based policies.
Councils are using their stormwater offset schemes to improve stormwater management for greener environments and healthier waterways. The Council-run offset schemes can secure a low risk and sustainable funding source for Council-delivered stormwater investments.
The Victorian urban stormwater offsets industry note has been developed to provide an overview of what stormwater offset schemes are, outline some benefits of setting up a scheme, and steps out how Councils can set up a stormwater offset scheme.
More information is available:
- Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) Voluntary Contribution Scheme for Moonee Valley City Council, CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Case Study
- WSUD Developer Voluntary Contribution Scheme (scroll down to topic), City of Moonee Valley
- Stormwater requirements for developers, City of Kingston