Many streets throughout Adelaide have narrow verges or experience conflict between trees, footpaths and roads, which presents challenging conditions for growing healthy, vibrant and mature trees, whilst also resulting in excessive council maintenance costs. These challenges can hamper efforts by councils to increase overall tree canopy cover.
The design guidelines are a result of researching leading local, national and international approaches to optimising successful street tree growth and streetscape cohesion, and provide a collation of best practice approaches to growing street trees in challenging spaces. Intended to be used by councils, the design guidelines are a reference to provide information on the horticultural and civil aspects of growing trees in challenging spaces.
This project received funding assistance through the State Government’s Greener Neighbourhoods grant program, and included input from several councils and a team of consultants led by JPE Design Studios.
This is now being shared as a resource to assist councils in enhancing Adelaide’s tree canopy cover.
You can download the summary or full version of the design guidelines from the City of West Torrens website.