If you missed our February 2019 seminar showcasing leaders in urban greening and water sensitive urban design from the development sector, the presentations are now available.
WSUD in Perth infill developments – WGV and beyond (PDF)
Josh Byrne demonstrated how Western Australia is rethinking how infill development is delivered at White Gum Valley and Knutsford. A more diverse mix of housing typologies combined with permeable surfaces and greener streets ensures that urban renewal gives something back.

Environmental stormwater management at Newnham (PDF)
Local SA developer Kym Burke of Burke Urban, together with Joe LaSpina of WGA Engineers, showed how streetscape infiltration systems and ecological sponges (mini wetlands) in the riparian zone will ensure that the Newenham development in Mount Barker protects Western Flat Creek.

A smart model for urban water and energy management – Aquarevo (Victoria) (PDF)
The partnership between Villawood properties and South East Water in Melbourne’s south east is implementing smart rainwater tanks at lot scale. Management of stormwater is a cost-effective solution to local flooding and enables prolonged augmentation of expensive potable water systems.