Blog Articles

Could local nuisance flooding be a thing of the past?

23 April 2018

Hillview Road, Netherby - construction of permeable paving. Image: Water Sensitive SA

Hillview Road, Netherby – construction of permeable paving. Image: Water Sensitive SA

Hillview Road, Netherby - construction of permeable paving. Image: Water Sensitive SA

Hillview Road, Netherby – construction of permeable paving. Image: Water Sensitive SA

Permeable paving may be the answer.

City of Mitcham demonstrated how permeable paving in combination with uncompacted subgrade and substrate stablising mesh at Hillview Road, Netherby provides another cost-effective solution to local flooding at the recent Permeable paving and infiltration systems seminar and site tour hosted by Water Sensitive SA

The Hillview Road project site was excavated to approximately 400mm to natural material. Gravel of 20 mm diameter was then laid to a depth of 150 mm, without a bedding layer. A structural stabiliser HDPE mesh (Geoweb) was then installed across the entire road surface, overlain by a further 150 mm of 20 mm gravel.

The Adbri Trihex paver was installed directly over the gravel layer and was backfilled by 2-3 mm screenings in the voids between the pavers.

The project has a subsurface detention storage of 20,000 litres within the voids of the gravel, with excess stormwater flowing to a 225 mm pipe in the road verge.

Seminar presentations

Dr Tim Johnson
City of Mitcham
Permeable paving – myth busting

Russell King
City of Mitcham
Lessons learned from permeable paving of roads & footpaths

Alex Game
Adelaide Oval – Fig Plaza

Permeable paving demonstration

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Water Sensitive SA acknowledges Aboriginal people as the First Peoples and Nations of the lands and waters we live and work upon, and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge and respect the deep spiritual connection and the relationship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have to Country.