The City of West Torrens invites you to follow their raingarden interpretive trail.
The trail includes raingardens at these locations:
- Carpark at the rear of 173 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Cowandilla
- Brooker Terrace, Richmond
- Rankine Road, Mile End/Torrensville
- Mortimer Street, Kurralta Park
- Gardner Street and Streeters Road, Camden Park/Plympton
- Holland Street, Thebarton
- Victoria Street, Mile End
- Deacon Avenue, Richmond
- Tennyson Street, Kurralta Park
- Galway Avenue, Marleston/North Plympton
The City of West Torrens website provides details about each location, including project plan, raingarden plantings, challenges and learnings, and financial partners. Search their website using the words “rain garden interpretive trail”.