The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities is calling for public comment on its Infill typologies catalogue, published on 25 March 2020.
The catalogue features a range of housing typologies at densities and configurations relevant to Australian cities and applicable to different contemporary infill development scenarios. The performance of water sensitive infill designs are compared over a range of criteria, including water sensitive outcomes, against existing (1960s) and business as usual designs.

Initial performance evaluations of example typologies have predicted that increased dwelling densities can be achieved without further increases to stormwater runoff. The designs achieve this in a variety of ways, including:
- reducing building footprints to maximise impervious surface
- arranging the built form more efficiently on a site
- using permeable paving
- encouraging greater consideration of shared private and shared communal spaces.
Following this round of public comment on the Infill typologies catalogue, the CRCWSC IRP4 team will finalise the resource and release a final version later this year. If you have questions about the catalogue or the work of the IRP4 team, please contact Tammie Harold.
More information is available on the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities website.
Your feedback can be provided before the end of May 2020 to Tamara Harold at the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities.