Conference, call for papers
A flagship annual event for the AWA SA Branch is our state conference, which attracts around 100 people. On 18 August 2017, the conference will look at water in the community.
Intended to engage the broad range of practitioners and stakeholders in the water industry, and look beyond the traditional water utility focus, this year’s conference call for abstracts is open to any topic where water in the community is a part of the story. Topics could include:
- water supply
- wastewater treatment and reuse
- water resources management
- catchment management
- stormwater
- water industry developments
- water trade
- commercial opportunities
- water projects and stakeholder engagement.
Submissions close 3 May 2017.
Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words.
The theme of this year’s conference promotes the South Australian government’s Better Together principles and will afford participants the opportunity to showcase their community focus. Even better we encourage you to engage community partners to co-write abstracts and to come along to the conference.
Structured with keynote speakers, a discussion panel, paper presentations, displays and networking opportunities, the state conference is aimed at providing a range of opportunities to meet and network with fellow industry peers and contribute to your professional development in a forum where people share their work and expertise.
All abstracts submitted will be reviewed by members of the AWA SA Branch Committee or conference partner association.
Authors of abstracts accepted for presentation at the conference will be invited to submit an extended abstract for publication in the conference proceedings. Some of these may also go on to be published in the Water Journal.
For an abstract to be accepted and presented at the state conference, an extended abstract and paid registration must be received in advance from the presenting author.
Supported by sponsors and members alike, the conference is a not to be missed event on the SA Branch calendar, and we hope to see you there.
Conference registrations open in June 2017.