On 16 March 2015 the Senate referred an inquiry into stormwater resources management in Australia to the Environment and Communications References Committee following a notice of motion from Senator Nick Xenophon. The inquiry will consider the quantum of stormwater resource in Australia and impact and potential of optimal management practices in areas of flooding, environmental impacts, waterway management and water resource planning.
The closing date for submissions is 24 April 2015. A report is due by 25 June 2015.
For details on how to make a submission vist the Australian Parliament website.
Terms of reference of the inquiry
On 16 March 2015 the Senate referred the following matter to the Environment and Communications References Committee for inquiry:
- the quantum of stormwater resource in Australia and impact and potential of optimal management practices in areas of flooding, environmental impacts, waterway management and water resource planning
- the role of scientific advances in improving stormwater management outcomes and integrating these into policy at all levels of government to unlock the full suite of economic benefits
- the role of stormwater as a positive contributor to resilient and desirable communities into the future, including ‘public good’ and productivity outcomes
- model frameworks to develop economic and policy incentives for stormwater managment
- model land use planning and building controls to maximise benefits and minimise impacts in both new and legacy situations
- funding models and incentives to support strategic planning and investment in desirable stormwater management, including local prioritisation
- asset management and operations to encourage efficient investments and longevity of benefit
- the role of innovation in supporting desirable outcomes and transparent decision-making, including access to information and novel technologies for planning, design and implementation
any related matters.